Wednesday, April 8, 2009

With the advent of 3-D imaging technology, practically everything that can be done in the real world can now be done online. One of the key advantages of the virtual world is its cost-reducing capability. In today’s business world and current economic climate, cost reduction is the ultimate goal of every business establishment. Therefore, engaging in business activities that would otherwise present additional costs in the real world online represents an amazing opportunity for companies to focus on their cost reduction goal. It is safe to say that companies are indeed taking advantage of Second life’s 3D virtual realm by doing everything from cross-border real-time collaborative meetings to conducting interviews for real-world positions. For the sole purpose of understanding just how well companies are utilizing the virtual world medium, I took on the personality of the punk-rock-fashion-addict Bukky Core, the young lady you see in these pictures.

This brings me to TMP Worldwide, which is a real world recruitment-focused advertising and communications company. With a global network that consists of employees and alliances in more than 20 countries, the company has received a sizeable number of accolades for its creativity in finding and selling strategically-sound solutions to organizations with talent acquisition and retention problems. What does this have to do with Second life? In 2007, they hosted NiW (Network in World), the world’s first 3D virtual interactive job fair – on Second life.

G.E Money and Accenture are examples of companies that participated in the 3-day NiW event. Each company had a virtual set-up on Second life that made it possible for potential job seekers all over the world to interact with recruiters and hiring managers from these companies. TMP Worldwide catered to the recruiting needs of their clients by utilizing information technology in the form of Second life’s virtual world. Fast-forward to 2009, this kind of events have become common-place, thanks to the continuous improvement of 3D technology.

G.E money's welcome area.

A closer shot of resume drop box;simple drag and drop of a copy of your resume from your inventory guarantees receipt by the company.

Accenture's welcome area with a powerpoint showing open positions and job locations around the world.

Another company that I found utilizing the amazing capabilities of Second life is Pulse Point Marketing, LLC, a smaller marketing and public relations consulting company based in Louisville, Kentucky. Its Second life subsidiary is called Soul Creations Design and Building, an SL developing company that specializes in helping other organizations use Second life as a new medium for tapping into the marketplace. Their services range from internet image consulting (reinforcing brand and supporting CRM initiatives) to marketing and public relations and they pride themselves on their ability to integrate effort in the virtual world with what their clients already have going on in the real world.

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